26 September 2011

Cures for a bad case of the Monday's

The day that begins the work week, slammed packed with 'to-dos,' voice mails and words like: projects, deadlines, and goals. Yet sometimes our goal is just to get through the eight-hour day.

Lee J. Cobb in the 1949 production of Death of a Salesman 
Take some stress out of your day by giving yourself something to look forward to after work, take a tip from my own book of "cures" for the Monday blahs.

  • Try the new wine bar after work, tapas and flight of reds with a co worker can alleviate some of the stress brought on by your manager.
  • Scope a new spot where live music might be played on a Monday evening, gather your friends to meet from 7 to 9 and enjoy some jazz or blues.
  • The bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that your friends brought you back from their trip to Napa need not be saved for a special occasion, check in with your DVR, uncork, and unwind. 
  • My cure for any stress or bad case of the blues is a hotel bar, I love the atmosphere that guests, locals and those just lounging creates. One martini and don't forget to tip the piano man. Just don't end up checking in, you have a meeting in the morning. 

25 September 2011

New Scents Don't Always Have To Come From This Century

Did you know that from 1786 to 1800 the British government levied a tax on the sale of perfume? It was during this era that James Henry Creed created Royal English Leather for King George III. The eccentric King was transfixed by the scent of his own gloves and according to creedboutique.com "the king found the scent more pleasing than the scent of the people who came to see him!" And today that is a notion I can even relate to.

In 2011, gone are ridiculous over bearing taxes on items like cologne (well at least not on cologne) however Royal English Leather is still in existence and I feel it is a wonderful way to actually spray history on. The scent is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I admit it is not always the first bottle I go to, yet on a cold evening when everyone else smells like Tom Ford, R.E.L. arouses the senses around notes of mandarin, leather and sandalwood and after the fragrance settles, a clean, warm, leathery scent is left on the skin. And if on that chilly Fall evening, you find out that your date was a history major, well,  you are welcome my friend. Happy Hunting!

11 September 2011

In a time that is moving in such a fast pace and in so many directions we can forget what happened just a few moments ago, however there is not one person who couldn't tell you where they were or what they were doing on this day 10 years ago. That insurmountable tragedy will leave images and emotions imbedded in us forever.

Yet moving forward we need to know that tragedies can occur at any moment making it important to share your life and it's moments with those you love. Make sure that in the whirlwind of this era, you take that time.

01 September 2011

The Scarf: Yes You Should Wear One.

For several years I have always felt the scarf is an accessory no modern day gentleman should be without. They are perfect to update a black blazer when stepping out on the town, or even to loan the girl who needs someone to walk her home. They don't need to be wool or cashmere, silk and even linen can be that special touch to make you more dashing. Take a cue from the guys below: 
Cary Grant circa 1930's

Elvis Presley speaking at a Las Vegas press conference, 1970

Brad Pitt in Cannes 2011